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HECTIC HOUSE DISCOGRAPHY II short cut to albums or scroll downBeer
& Sex Bitter
Fit Crack Live
at Leeds From
Beer to Eternity
CD. 1989; HHCD110 Tracks:- Barrel’s Round; Beer & Sex; Bitter,Fit Crack; Blackpool; Boddies, Charlotte; Dan’s Big Log; Dan’s Underpant; Do You Love Me?; Doctor, Doctor; Feed Your Face; Failure With Girls; Get Weavin’; God’s Gift; Got to be Gordon’s; Guess Me Weight; Julie the Schooly; Lads From Macc; Miss Macclesfield; Nagasaki Sauce; Now He’s a Poof; Party; Saturday Night; Sweaty Betty; Torremolinos; Twenty Pints; Uncle Knobby A combination of HH1 & HH7. Due to time limitations, four tracks were dropped, -these appear on some versions of HHCD115. These tracks are: Al O’Peesha; Buenos Aires, Made of Ale; England’s Glory. |
MC. 1989; HH11 Macc Lads:- Knock Knock; That’s Gay; Manfred Macc Fatman Turner Overweight:- Brevil Brevil Eddie Shit:- 24 Hours; Eye of the Needle; The brown one. Out-takes from the HH12 sessions, released as a taster for the forthcoming LP, and an introduction to the support act. Some copies contain an Uncle Knobby sketch. If you were lucky, you'd get one that didn’t. |
MC. LP. CD. 1989; HH12 HHLP12 HHCD12 Tracks:- All Day Drinking; Alton Towers; Ben Nevis; Bloik!; Dan’s Round Us 'Andbag; Dead Cat; Fluffy Pup; Geordy Girl; Gordon’s Revenge; Lady Muck; Lucy Lastic; My Pub; No Sheep; Pie Taster; Stoppy Back; Tab After Tab; Ugly Women The white one. 21/6/89. Some cassettes had a full colour sleeve, but most were black on white. The Guinness Book of Hits notes that it entered the charts at No 72 on 7/10/89. The Book of 1980’s Hits wrongly credits the guitar to The Beater MAIL ORDER |
MC. 1989; HH13 Tracks:- Even Uglier Women; Jingle Bells Ltd Edition for Dec ‘89, with a pointless remix of Ugly Women by Bald Eagle. Jingle Bells was recorded so many times, and released so often, that no one knows which version this is, when it was recorded, or who is playing on it. |
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VIDEO. 1990; HHV5 Tracks:- Barrel’s Round; Blackpool; Charlotte; Eh Up! Let’s Sup; Knutsford; Lads From Macc; Monkees; No Sheep; Now He’s a Poof; Twenty Pints Released March 1990 at the start of the ‘Stez is Back- Spring Offensive’ tour. Billed as a compilation of the best of HHV2 & HHV3. In fact it was a compilation of the salvageable tracks after a fat roadie spilled gravy over the original mastertapes. (NB- HHV1/2/3 were not widely available- they were sold mainly to shops for hire. HHV4 was the first video to be distributed). |
MC. 1990; HH15 Macc Lads:- Buenos Aires 90; Fellatio Nell, Son; Poodles Stella Strict:- Two Stroke Eddie Eddie Shit:- Shit Stabber; Teat Pippett The light green one. A prequel to HH14, and a taster for the ‘Bog n Roll Circus’ tour, which featured Eddie Shit; Warrington Minge; Stella Strict and Mr Methane. Some versions contain the second sketch by Uncle Knobby. |
MC. CD. 1991; HH17 HHCD17 Macc Lads:- Piles; Prestbury Girls; Turtles Heads Velvet Underpant:- Aunty Drugs; Pissed Off Mate, Vulvahampton The orange one. Demos by Muttley, Al O’Peesha and an out of tune piano. The Underpants hailed from the Black Country, and supported at a number of concerts. |
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MC. CD. LP. 1991; Streetlink STRMC/CD/LP015 Tracks:- Barrel’s Round; Beer & Sex; Ben Nevis; Blackpool; Boddies; Buenos Aires 90; Charlotte; Dan’s Underpant; Dead Cat; Fluffy Pup; Gordon’s Revenge; Guess Me Weight; Julie the Schooly; Knock Knock; Lady Muck; Made of Ale; Miss Macclesfield; My Pub; Nagasaki Sauce; No Sheep; Sweaty Betty; The purple one. The first of an endless series of compilations and reissues. Contains tracks dating back to 1981, enabling the avid listener to identify the date on which Muttley’s bollocks dropped, amongst other savoury activities. MAIL ORDER |
MC. CD. 1993; Dojo MC/CD141 Tracks:- Baggy Anne; Brevil Brevil; Buenos Aires 90; Eh Up! Let's Sup; Even Uglier Women; Fat Bastard; Fellatio Nell,Son; Head Kicked In; I Love Macc; Knock Knock; Knutsford; Made of Ale; Manfred Macc; Monkees; No Sheep; Pie Taster; Two Stroke Eddie; The green one. A compilation of the cassette EPs HH6/9/11/13. Non of Uncle Knobby's savoury sketches made it onto this selection, but assess the quality of the recordings from "Filthy Fat", and you will understand why the Beater destroyed the studio. |
MC. CD. 1994; Upnotdown UPNOMC/CD1 Tracks:- Alehouse Rock; Back on the Pies Again; Dirty Glass; Father’s Day; Frogbashing; Gone Fishin’; Helen of Fowey; Hen Night; Piles; Prestbury Girls; Rockweilers; Thinking in the Dark; Tart with the Heart; Turtles Heads; Vigilante Shanty; Village Idiot The yellow one with red writing. 17/12/93. The CD tracks are not consecutively numbered. The idea was to program in the missing numbers to reveal a mystery song playing in the background. Sadly, someone made an arse of it. |